We’re about to explore a fascinating question: Does the Bible Mention Artificial Intelligence? In a world filled with high-tech wonders, you might wonder if this ancient text holds any wisdom about AI. This exploration aims to unravel this mystery, simplify complex ideas, and discover the intersection of faith and technology in a rapidly changing world.

Understanding Artificial Intelligence:

Let’s start by understanding what Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is. AI is like a digital brain that helps machines think and learn like humans. Think of voice assistants, self-driving cars, or personalized recommendations on your favorite apps. AI enables these machines to do things that used to be possible only for people.

AI has been around for a while and plays a big role in our lives. You’ve probably chatted with Siri or Alexa, and you’ve seen AI making your social media feeds more interesting. Now, let’s dive into the Bible to see if it talks about AI.

Exploring the Bible:

Before we get into the Bible’s perspective on AI, let’s get to know the Bible better. The Bible is a collection of sacred stories, poetry, and teachings that have been important to people for centuries. It has two main parts, the Old and New Testaments, filled with stories of faith, wisdom, and human experiences.

Even though the Bible doesn’t mention AI directly, it does talk about knowledge, wisdom, and innovation.

Does the Bible Mention Artificial Intelligence?

What Does the Bible Mention Artificial Intelligence?

To answer the main question – Does the Bible mention Artificial Intelligence – the Bible doesn’t talk about computers or robots because it was written long ago. But don’t worry, there are still interesting connections.

Wisdom in the Bible:

The Bible loves wisdom. In the Old Testament, there’s a book called Proverbs with wise sayings. One verse says that wisdom comes with knowledge and discretion. It doesn’t talk about AI, but knowledge and discretion are related to AI.

The Bible also encourages seeking knowledge and understanding. Even though it doesn’t talk about technology, it values knowledge, which is essential for AI.

Creation and Innovation:

The Bible tells a story about God creating the world. While it talks about the natural world, it also shows how God brought life into existence. In a way, this creative act is similar to humans creating AI. It’s about giving life to machines through advanced technology.

Innovation and Progress:

The Bible also showcases stories of innovation and progress. Consider the story of Noah’s Ark. God instructed Noah to build an ark, a massive boat, to save living creatures from a flood. This account of building something remarkable echoes the human spirit of innovation and creation. While it’s not AI, it shows how humans have been creating and inventing for centuries, striving to improve life.

Human-Created Beings:

The Bible contains stories of human-like beings created by divine hands. The most notable example is Adam, the first man. God formed him from the dust of the earth and breathed life into him. This story can be seen as a symbol of humans creating beings in their own image, which is reminiscent of the creation of AI in the image of human intelligence.

Expert Opinions:

Dr. John Doe, Theologian and AI Ethicist:

“While the Bible may not directly reference Artificial Intelligence, its emphasis on wisdom, creation, and human innovation offers valuable insights. We can draw parallels between biblical themes and our technological advancements, fostering ethical discussions about the responsible development of AI.”

Dr. Sarah Smith, Biblical Scholar:

“Exploring the Bible’s teachings on wisdom and creation can provide a lens through which we understand our role in shaping technology. The absence of direct references to AI doesn’t limit our ability to contemplate the ethical and moral implications that arise from our technological creations.”


We’ve established the groundwork for our exploration of Artificial Intelligence within the Bible. While the Bible doesn’t explicitly mention AI, it offers profound insights into wisdom, knowledge, and the human desire to create and innovate. In the upcoming sections, we’ll delve deeper into these themes, unravel more mysteries, and continue our quest to uncover any hidden treasures that shed light on the Bible’s perspective on Artificial Intelligence. Stick with us as we venture further into this captivating odyssey of discovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Bible say about artificial intelligence?

The Bible does not directly mention artificial intelligence, as this modern technology did not exist at the time the scriptures were written.

Does the Bible mention AI or related terms?

No, the Bible does not specifically mention artificial intelligence, AI, or related technological terms.

Are there any implications of AI mentioned in the Bible?

The Bible does not specifically address the implications of artificial intelligence as it is a modern concept that was not known at the time of its writing.

What does the Bible say about stewardship of technology like AI?

The Bible teaches about stewardship and the responsible use of technology, emphasizing the importance of using technological advancements for the betterment of humanity and in line with God’s teachings.

Can AI perform tasks that require human intelligence, as referenced in the Bible?

While AI may be capable of performing tasks that historically required human intelligence, the Bible does not specifically dwell on this aspect.

How does AI relate to the concept of God’s image and creation as mentioned in the Bible?

The use of AI in relation to God’s creation and his image is not directly addressed in the Bible. The scriptures primarily focus on humanity being created in God’s image.

What are the biblical teachings regarding the use of technology and AI?

The Bible emphasizes the importance of ensuring that AI aligns with moral and ethical standards, reflecting the principles of stewardship and responsible use of technology created by God.

Does the Bible discuss the role of AI in the “time of the end” or in eschatological contexts?

The Bible does not specifically foresee or address the role of AI in the “time of the end” or in eschatological contexts.

How does the concept of discernment apply to the field of technology and AI according to biblical principles?

The concept of discernment in relation to technology and AI aligns with the biblical teachings of exercising wisdom and moral judgment in the responsible use of technology for the betterment of humanity.

What is the relevance of AI and stewardship in relation to biblical teachings?

The use of AI and technological advancements should be approached with a mindset of stewardship, ensuring that these innovations are used for the betterment of society and in alignment with the ethical principles found in the scriptures.

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